Having multiple sites that target very specific groups of people in your niche, is ok but it's not a good ides to go off in 20 different paths. Trying to build and market several websites at once while you are a new business makes you look unprofessional. Having dozens of domain names can even make Google think you are trying to spam them, they can look at that as being mulpishous and may even block your IP address. Like searching for your ad you have created in Google AdWords. Learn more about why here. Make sure that you’re clear on your mission first and have one or maybe two excellent websites that have blogs and active social media profiles. Thinking that somehow having every combination of your doing name and a ton of unprofessional looking websites will help you is foolish and just creates a mess as well as makes it very expensive for your bottom line. Take the time in the beginning and make a plan. Pick your platform. Weather it be e-commerce, services you want to provide or a store front pick who you want to entice and what you goals are before you go out willy nilly buying up domains, making social profiles and spending a ton of money on ads. “Your reputation is more important than your paycheck, and your integrity is worth more than your career.” — Ryan Freitas
Is marketing key to your business success? Of courses it is, but do you know what is going on at your business when you're not there?
You can have the best marketing strategy in the world, but if your employees or even you as a business owner don't live up to what your website and social media say about you, then your business is doomed. Be the employee you want your employees to be. People do buy example so don't expect them to act any different than you do if you come in with a great upbeat attitude it will rub off on them and your customers. Be willing to do the dirty work right along with them and encourage them at all levels. Always put your customers first and make sure your staff is happy and treated like family. Employees are a company's greatest asset - they're your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company's goals. Here is another great source about getting to know your customers. LEARN MORE Most small business owners know they need a website but that’s where it stops. While they are professionals in their own fields, they rarely know anything but the basics when it comes to website design,hosting, domain registrations, social media and all the details that go into a successful website and online marketing plan.
Below you’ll find straightforward answers to questions that my clients have asked me about marketing. No hard sells, no pressure and as transparent as I can be. If I’m not a good fit for your website project, I tell you! So breathe deep, dig in and know we’re here to help. Creating a landing page these days is easy, especially with all the tools that are readily available. The problem lies in creating landing pages that actually convert.
Why? Because, often times many important elements get overlooked. You have to take into account the elements on the page, where to place them, what message your design is going to portray, and how the text is going to affect each visitor. Here are the 9 elements that are key to developing landing pages that convert: Headline Make sure your headline is concise and clear. An Image or a Video Visuals can convert better than text. Benefits Breakdown the benefits of your solution into bullet points Call to Action Ensure your call to action stands out. Page Fold Place your important elements above the fold. Links Reduce the navigational and link options. Description Provide important details about your offering. Testimonials A great way to boost your conversion rate is to show what other people think of your offering. Trust Elements Third party verification plays a big role on conversions. Google My Business connects Google search, maps, Google +, as well as Insights, Reviews, and Google Analytics into a one convenient application. This means you can easily manage all these features in one interface and changes will update for all of Google’s services. These services allow your local business to be found more quickly and conveniently online. But this must be set up correctly and only set up one account; you can have multiple locations under that account but don’t set up more than one. I have run across people who can’t get into their account so they just start a new one.
DON’T DO THAT fixing it is a nightmare!! Social media can work great for your local business if you spend the time it takes to get to know your public. Interact with them, get to know them, like their posts and share their content they will do the same for you.
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Article By Marc Connor: 1) most people start at a search engine to investigate their interests and you need to own that digital shelf space; 2) most people don’t visit a brand page on Facebook – they may stumble upon it, but the data shows they don’t go back; 3) advertisers around or maybe even intelligently integrated into content environments that are focused on other (even if related) interests come and go and it’s not a place people can rely on consistently or trust implicitly to understand the full brand story; and 4) your touch points work together and rely on each other. On this last point, it is important to note that search results are improved. But also recognize that the content you share via your website coupled with the right social tools will travel. A great example of this is Pinterest – presence (or “pins”) for brands is driven by content that comes from their websites, not branded Pinterest pages. So the purpose of a brand website is not because you can, it’s because they want it and they want to share it in other channels. Read more: https://www.clickz.com/why-your-website-is-more-important-than-your-facebook-page/40722/ ![]() Here is a great article about Action Sprout and how it can boost your Facebook traffic for your business. Most people don't go to pages, they like staying in their news feed and lots of people really don't know how. This is a way to make it easy for them. Don't let your posts get scrolled by and munched up in the 100's of posts, learn to stand out. Thanks Social Media Examiner.... www.socialmediaexaminer.com/facebook-marketing-tips-from-the-pros/ We support small business campaign
Take pictures of us in the parade showing our support of the local community and local small Businesses. Sponsor local teams: little league teams softball ball etc.… Go to community events, for example the community clean up. Have the employees wear t-shirts with our logo and put the pictures on Facebook. Have the company do a Meals on Wheels rout. Go to local businesses we already do business with and promote them by making a page on our website for there logos. Offer gift cards from local businesses when they set an appointment with us to come is a do a free evaluation of there accounting service and or payroll. https://www.optimizelocation.com/partner/hayfordmarketingpromotions/diagnostic.htmlLike street signs or billboards do offline, digital presence ensures that customers who search online find their way to local businesses in person. To succeed, every business in the world needs a strong digital presence. Why is it important? Today, 4 in 5 consumers search for local businesses online. When consumers find incorrect information about a business online, 73% lose trust in that business. And, incorrect information abounds — a 2013 study found that up to 40% of location info online is wrong! Why is so much information incorrect? Because there’s no permanent record or single source of location data online. This is a HUGE problem that I can help you solve! It does matter to have the exact same name, address, and phone number listed on every possible digital directory and map. Even if they don’t seem like a problem to you, inconsistent citations can seriously confuse search engines and hurt your Search Engine Optimization. Which means you get farther down the list on Google and other search engines. Tell them how we can help: To solve the problem, I can help you get listed everywhere, correct listings with bad data, and control how your business shows up everywhere online. https://www.optimizelocation.com/partner/hayfordmarketingpromotions/diagnostic.html www.everystoreperfect.com3 Red Flags That Indicate Your Company Needs a New Culture
Written by Robert Gerace of www.everystoreperfect.com The world of start-ups has permanently changed the way businesses work, and perhaps their most important legacy is that of company culture. The CEO of AirBnB has gone as far as suggesting that company culture will be AirBnB's most important legacy, as it alters and changes everything else that goes on within a business. So, how does your company culture stack up? Do you believe a shake-up is in order? Here are three red flags that might indicate it's time for a big change in your company culture. 1. Your Company Hires Based Only on SkillThis is a big no-no if you are looking to build a strong company culture. Skilled employees are important, but it's just as important tolook at more than their skill set to figure out whether or not they'll truly fit in with your culture. The people you hire should add to the company culture, not detract from it. When hiring new workers, consider looking at the whole person, including their outside interests and core beliefs, in addition to their skill set. It could help improve andadd variety tothe company culture very quickly. One of the worst things you can do is to keep a highly-skilled worker on the payroll when that person is actively poisoning your culture. Skills matter, but culture is more important because one negative attitude can bring down an entire team. 2. Your Company Doesn't Encourage Risk-TakingSuccessful businesses are built on the blood, sweat and tears of risk-takers. However, many of today's businesses no longer reward risk-takers. Instead, they focus on short-term performance and gains. This is a terrible thing for company culture. Risk-takers are what will move your companyforward, and these innovative souls can add a lot to a business, both in profitability and in company culture. Business experts suggest rewarding risk-taking through benefits, perks and bonuses to foster a culture of innovation and experimentation. 3. Your Company Culture Stops at the ThresholdThe companies with the most talked about cultures are the ones that allow their workers to take that culture with them and spread it around. Your employees should live and breathe your company culture, sharing their knowledge and beliefs with the world. To build a strong and connected team, it is important to bring that culture into the outside world, whether that is through personal betterment projects or through company-wide charity projects. Not only does it foster closeness within your team, but it helps to market your business as a forward-thinking one. It is a win-win. 3 Red Flags That Indicate Your Company Needs a New Culture
Written by Robert Gerace of www.everystoreperfect.com The world of start-ups has permanently changed the way businesses work, and perhaps their most important legacy is that of company culture. The CEO of AirBnB has gone as far as suggesting that company culture will be AirBnB's most important legacy, as it alters and changes everything else that goes on within a business. So, how does your company culture stack up? Do you believe a shake-up is in order? Here are three red flags that might indicate it's time for a big change in your company culture. 1. Your Company Hires Based Only on SkillThis is a big no-no if you are looking to build a strong company culture. Skilled employees are important, but it's just as important tolook at more than their skill set to figure out whether or not they'll truly fit in with your culture. The people you hire should add to the company culture, not detract from it. When hiring new workers, consider looking at the whole person, including their outside interests and core beliefs, in addition to their skill set. It could help improve andadd variety tothe company culture very quickly. One of the worst things you can do is to keep a highly-skilled worker on the payroll when that person is actively poisoning your culture. Skills matter, but culture is more important because one negative attitude can bring down an entire team. 2. Your Company Doesn't Encourage Risk-TakingSuccessful businesses are built on the blood, sweat and tears of risk-takers. However, many of today's businesses no longer reward risk-takers. Instead, they focus on short-term performance and gains. This is a terrible thing for company culture. Risk-takers are what will move your companyforward, and these innovative souls can add a lot to a business, both in profitability and in company culture. Business experts suggest rewarding risk-taking through benefits, perks and bonuses to foster a culture of innovation and experimentation. 3. Your Company Culture Stops at the ThresholdThe companies with the most talked about cultures are the ones that allow their workers to take that culture with them and spread it around. Your employees should live and breathe your company culture, sharing their knowledge and beliefs with the world. To build a strong and connected team, it is important to bring that culture into the outside world, whether that is through personal betterment projects or through company-wide charity projects. Not only does it foster closeness within your team, but it helps to market your business as a forward-thinking one. It is a win-win. Search engine optimization, or SEO for short, is the process of acquiring traffic from the organic listings on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo by creating website content and using specific keywords within said content to match relevant search queries. Organic listings are the first 10 results you see on the left of the results page that have a white background. The listings with colored background means they are sponsored, or paid ads. Searchers generally trust organic listings more, because these websites aren't paying to be placed there. They're relevant in the eyes of the search engines to the query.
If you want your website to appear on that first page of results for any particular search, you must have that search query (or keyword) located in various places of your website. You must also have links coming into your site from other relevant websites. Let's look at a hypothetical example. I own a boutique cookbook store. I sell are cookbooks that contain recipes for all the various types of cuisine around the world. I have a brick and mortar shop, but I also have a website. In fact, it's an e-commerce website, meaning I can sell my cookbooks online. To optimize my website for the search engines, I'm going to make sure that I have a unique page for each and every cookbook I sell. For my French cookbook by Juila Child, I'll need to make sure I create one product page specifically for this cookbook. It shouldn't share a page with a Chinese food cookbook, because that's irrelevant (to a certain extent). Then I add phrase "French cookbook by Julia Child" in the page title, meta description, page URL, h1 heading, and the body content of the page. If you want to know more information about each of those items, I suggest searching for them! I may also create a blog post about my newest French cookbook by Juila Child that I just got in earlier this week and provide some teasers about some of the awesome recipes to incentivize people to read, and then purchase the book online, or in my store. That's more "content marketing" than "SEO", but the concepts still hold true. This technique works at getting me more inbound links as well because another book store in another city may see my article and link back to it, which would get me a relevant link. The link wouldn't hold as much weight if it were coming from a custom guitar manufacturer website. See the difference? If you want people to find you in the search engines for various queries, you need to have those queries all over your site. I don't mean just go on your website and start stuffing them wherever you can, because you can actually get penalized for doing that. Instead, find relevant places to add the keywords and you'll start getting the hang of it. There are a lot more intricate aspects of search engine optimization, but the basics are really creating unique content on a page by page basis that contains your keywords or phrases that your target audience searches for in the search engines. Article By Steve Myring's How Search Engine Optimization Helps To Optimize a BlogWritten by Steve Myring of molchester.uk
Steve Myring is owner and CEO of Molchester Digital Marketing Agency Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of getting your website, articles, or blogs listed on the search results of all leading search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. For B2B businesses, SEO has become all the more important particularly after companies have started getting lots of new prospects via online product search. Your website will get maximum online visitors once your site get top ranking onto the first page of search engine results. People searching for a specific product or solution mostly prefer websites that appear on the first page of search. Whats more! These online searchers are mostly ready buyers of your products. Although in SEO, keywords are still very important, yet new algorithms are re-defining the way websites achieve a ranking. With time, search engines, have become much more sophisticated and the spiders or crawlers are ranking web pages based on a number of factors. In addition to quality content, today, search engines are paying attention to visitor time on page and pogo sticking, which means a visitor coming to a web page and then immediately clicking on the back button. Bounce rate creates a negative impact on a website, as it makes the search engine believe the page has low quality content. According to Google Analytics, bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who visit a website to the ones who only visit one page. Use long tail keywords SEO experts are stressing on the use of long tail keywords instead of just one word. Your site will have a higher chance of achieving the top spot on Google, or Yahoo if you optimize a keyphrase consisting of multiple words instead of just one word. Your site keyphrases should relate to the search your potential buyers will conduct when looking for products or solutions your company has to offer. Smart ways of using key phrases in your articles and blogs Never forget to include the key phrase in the page title. Also, add the key phrase when writing meta description and URL. Content of your web page should include all necessary key phrases in the most natural way. The key phrases should not be inserted forcefully for it would destroy the natural flair of your page content. You must also add the key phrase in the H1 header tag as well as in one or more H2-H6 header tags. While writing blogs, you can add multiple images and use the key phrase when naming the image file. Another good way to get high ranking for your blog is to assign a few categories for it. Additionally, try getting as many external links possible for improving your articles search ranking. Also don't forget to include a few internal links to other pages on your website to build credibility. Google authorship helps to build authenticity of a web page, as it makes Google understand the content is shared by a real person. Useful tools for SEO Marketing automation tools like Hubspot helps in increasing your blog or articles search engine ranking by writing significant optimized content. WordPress SEO by Yoast can be used to help you guide through the SEO processes for easy finding of your website on popular search engines. With these tools you can easily optimize your blog for better visibility using SEO tactics. 5 Social Media Marketing Tips for Beginners and ProfessionalsWritten by Aaron Houghton of www.boostsuite.com Aaron Houghton is a co-founder and CEO at BoostSuite.com, the collaborative marketing platform for small businesses. Aaron has over 15 years experience building and selling marketing products to small businesses around the globe.
It doesn't matter if you're a small business or a large corporation. Every marketer has a desire, nay, a NEED, to connect with your target audience on a deep and personal level. If you listen to what your target audience is asking for, you can use social media marketing to point them in the right direction, usually to your website or blog. Once there, you have the opportunity to engage them and convert them into subscribers, leads, or even customers! But first, ask yourself this question: What social media outlet(s) is best for reaching my target audience? Do you use Twitter? Facebook? Pinterest? LinkedIn? Google+? Some combination? Or all of the above? Here are some generalizations to consider. Twitter is great for short messages and a younger demographic. Facebook allows for longer posts, reaching a crowd between the ages of 20-50. Pinterest is great for imagery, so if you're in the art industry, that's the way to go. LinkedIn and Google+ attract more B2B business professionals. So now that you know which outlet(s) to use, here are 5 tips to keep in mind with your social media marketing posts: 1. Be Aware of Time Social media marketing can be a time-consuming effort. Use a social media aggregate like HootSuite to tie all of your accounts together and schedule posts during your downtime so you don't have to constantly post throughout your workday. Also, don't forget to consider the time changes. If you post something at 9pm EST, it's likely that most of your audience in the UK will be in bed, missing out on your marketing message. 2. Be Unique What sets you apart from your competitors? Show off your uniqueness by posting links to blog posts that highlight accomplishments, news, and other advantages. Leveraging these items is a cornerstone of a fruitful social media marketing campaign. Come up with your own hashtags for use in Twitter and Facebook. Share pictures and host caption contests. Ask questions that only people with expertise in your field can answer. I hate to be cliche, but think outside the (text) box! 3. Be Genuine Don't always be pushing for sales on social media. Use it as an opportunity to get to know people in your industry. Create and nurture mutually beneficial relationships with both your potential customers as well as thought-leaders. It's these influencers who can make a significant impact on your social media marketing success. A single retweet or like for a key influencer can put your content in front of hundreds, maybe even thousands of eyes! 4. Be Engaging Have you ever went to a party, only to find out that you don't know anyone there, and the few people you do know, won't introduce you to anyone else? This is how social media marketing can feel at first. No one likes that feeling. That's why you have to follow people and engage them. Help people find what they're looking for. Answer questions. Take a few minutes every day to comment on key influencer accounts. Offer your honest opinion and expertise. If you do it genuinely and intelligently, you'll start capturing people's attention and building your network quickly. 5. Be Real People want to interact with other people, not bots. They don't want to be constantly spammed. We've all got feelings, so take advantage of that. Make people feel good for interacting with you. Thank them for following, posting, and sharing your content. Try your best to return the favor when you can. As you grow your businesses, eventually you can hire someone to take over your social media marketing efforts, but until then, start by following my five tips. You'll get into a rhythm and create your own unique social media marketing voice and style. Your style defines how your audience perceives you. It's up to you to make that spotlight portrayal a positive or negative one! Do you have any other social media marketing tips? I'd like to hear them. Thanks for sharing! Mike Michalowicz (born September 19, 1970) is an American author, entrepreneur, and lecturer. He is the author of the business books Profit First (July 2014), The Pumpkin Plan (July 2012) and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur (September 2008), is an advocate of a business philosophy by the same name, and is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He is the "Business Rescue" segment host for MSNBC's Your Business. He also hosted the reality television program called Bailout!.
http://www.mikemichalowicz.com/ Back links are so inportant for your website. Wright something amazing and try it out. http://www.slideshare.net
![]() Being A Good Manager-Managerial Functions A good manager must organize a variety of activities to insure a smooth flowing department. The manager’s responsibilities include developing, managing and supervising associates to obtain the desired standard of quality, service, and cost-effectiveness necessary to make the department effective. By making daily sales call, the manager sets the proper example for sales and telephone etiquette. The manager needs to show their team that they don't expect their team to do a task that the manager won't do. Sow them you are a apart of the team not just the boss. Always provide positive reinforcement for improved call techniques and sales performance. Have a meeting once a week to listen to your team. Encourage them to tell success stories and the unsuccessful ones. They can learn from each other. Always remember if you train your people well and respect your people well your bottom line will show it. Telemarketing is the most interactive marketing tool available. Telemarketing allows you to answer your prospects questions, address their concerns, and overcome their objections.
Telemarketing is the only marketing tool that allows you to gain new clients and make them a business friend for life. With telemarketing, you can change both your offer and audience with just one phone call. Telemarketing scripts I write will be prepared to your business needs. I only do B2B calls and will set appointments for your sales people. I can also do marketing research to help you determine your best way to market your service or product. Need someone to conduct surveys to find out how happy or unhappy your customers are. |
MISSIONI believe that small business owner make any community great and they should get the same services that the big corporations
companies get for a reasonable price and learn how to marketing themselves. Archives
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