Having multiple sites that target very specific groups of people in your niche, is ok but it's not a good ides to go off in 20 different paths. Trying to build and market several websites at once while you are a new business makes you look unprofessional. Having dozens of domain names can even make Google think you are trying to spam them, they can look at that as being mulpishous and may even block your IP address. Like searching for your ad you have created in Google AdWords. Learn more about why here. Make sure that you’re clear on your mission first and have one or maybe two excellent websites that have blogs and active social media profiles. Thinking that somehow having every combination of your doing name and a ton of unprofessional looking websites will help you is foolish and just creates a mess as well as makes it very expensive for your bottom line. Take the time in the beginning and make a plan. Pick your platform. Weather it be e-commerce, services you want to provide or a store front pick who you want to entice and what you goals are before you go out willy nilly buying up domains, making social profiles and spending a ton of money on ads. “Your reputation is more important than your paycheck, and your integrity is worth more than your career.” — Ryan Freitas
Is marketing key to your business success? Of courses it is, but do you know what is going on at your business when you're not there?
You can have the best marketing strategy in the world, but if your employees or even you as a business owner don't live up to what your website and social media say about you, then your business is doomed. Be the employee you want your employees to be. People do buy example so don't expect them to act any different than you do if you come in with a great upbeat attitude it will rub off on them and your customers. Be willing to do the dirty work right along with them and encourage them at all levels. Always put your customers first and make sure your staff is happy and treated like family. Employees are a company's greatest asset - they're your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company's goals. Here is another great source about getting to know your customers. LEARN MORE Most small business owners know they need a website but that’s where it stops. While they are professionals in their own fields, they rarely know anything but the basics when it comes to website design,hosting, domain registrations, social media and all the details that go into a successful website and online marketing plan.
Below you’ll find straightforward answers to questions that my clients have asked me about marketing. No hard sells, no pressure and as transparent as I can be. If I’m not a good fit for your website project, I tell you! So breathe deep, dig in and know we’re here to help. Creating a landing page these days is easy, especially with all the tools that are readily available. The problem lies in creating landing pages that actually convert.
Why? Because, often times many important elements get overlooked. You have to take into account the elements on the page, where to place them, what message your design is going to portray, and how the text is going to affect each visitor. Here are the 9 elements that are key to developing landing pages that convert: Headline Make sure your headline is concise and clear. An Image or a Video Visuals can convert better than text. Benefits Breakdown the benefits of your solution into bullet points Call to Action Ensure your call to action stands out. Page Fold Place your important elements above the fold. Links Reduce the navigational and link options. Description Provide important details about your offering. Testimonials A great way to boost your conversion rate is to show what other people think of your offering. Trust Elements Third party verification plays a big role on conversions. Google My Business connects Google search, maps, Google +, as well as Insights, Reviews, and Google Analytics into a one convenient application. This means you can easily manage all these features in one interface and changes will update for all of Google’s services. These services allow your local business to be found more quickly and conveniently online. But this must be set up correctly and only set up one account; you can have multiple locations under that account but don’t set up more than one. I have run across people who can’t get into their account so they just start a new one.
DON’T DO THAT fixing it is a nightmare!! |
MISSIONI believe that small business owner make any community great and they should get the same services that the big corporations
companies get for a reasonable price and learn how to marketing themselves. Archives
February 2023